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Antwerpen Madosa Archief 
Country: Belgium
Description: Antwerp Deaf History archives housed by Madosa vzw (Society for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Antwerp). 
Weblink [click here]  Additional weblink [click here​]
Archief Nowedo Werkgroep 
Country: Belgium
Description: Deaf History archives and work group focusing on Nowedo (North-West Flemish Deaf and Hard of Hearing association), Deaf education and the Deaf community, particularly the Flemish Deaf community in Belgium. 
Weblink [click here]  
Archiefwerking | Doof Vlaanderen
Country: Belgium
Description: The "archives of the Flemish Deaf Community" in Belgium, under the auspices of Doof Vlaanderen (Deaf Flanders). 
Weblink [click here]
Archives Belgian Deaf sport Committee (BDC)
Country: Belgium
Description: The Belgian Deaf sport Committee (BDC) archives "have been actively collecting archival material about the rich history of deaf sports in Belgium."  
Weblink [click here]
BDA Deaf Archives
Country: United Kingdom
Description: This British Deaf Association (BDA) project brings together films, photos, and memories from around the world. This website aims to illustrate the range, richness, and depth of the Deaf community and Deaf history. The website is not only accessible but interactive, allowing visitors to comment on materials, provide additional information and upload their own event photos and films.
Weblink [click here]
Deaf Art and Deaf Artists
Country: United States of America
Description: This website contains information on and an archive regarding Deaf Art and Deaf Artists. Rochester Institute of Technology/National Technical Institute for the Deaf (RIT/NTID) developed this website.
Weblink [click here]
Deaf Catholic Archives -
College of the Holy Cross

Country: United States of America
Description: The Deaf Catholic Archives (DCA) provides insight into the history of Deaf culture as well as an understanding of how Deaf Catholics practice their faith (culturally) in new ways, when traditional methods are insufficient. The DCA includes a wide variety of materials such as newsletters, scrapbooks, periodicals, conference material, publications, photographs, ephemera, books, and audiovisual recordings from parishes, Catholic schools for the Deaf, regional organizations for Deaf Catholics, and other institutions across the globe.
Weblink [click here]
Deaf in New South Wales: A Community History
Country: Australia
Description: This website "explores the experiences of deaf people in New South Wales since the late 18th Century."
Weblink [click here]
Deaf People and World War II
Country: United States of America
Description: This website presents historical collections and an overview of topics related to the lives and experiences of Deaf people during World War II. Rochester Institute of Technology/National Technical Institute for the Deaf (RIT/NTID) developed this website.
Weblink [click here]
Deaf Theatre
Country: United States of America
Description: This website contains information and resources regarding Deaf Theatre. Rochester Institute of Technology/National Technical Institute for the Deaf (RIT/NTID) developed this website.
Weblink [click here]
Dokumentationszentrum zur Bayerischen Gehörlosengeschichte
Country: Germany
Description: Founded in 2008, this is a Documentation Center for Bavarian Deaf history, located in Munich. The library houses many Deaf history-related books along with photos, art objects, films, paintings, and Deaf press materials. 
Weblink [click here]
Doof Vlaanderen / Deaf Flanders - Federation of Flemish Deaf Organisations Archives
Country: Belgium
Description: Archive for the history of the Flemish Deaf community, Doof Vlaanderen / Deaf Flanders- Federation of Flemish Deaf Organisations.
Weblink [click here]
Country: Netherlands
Description: To commemorate all murdered Dutch deaf Jewish victims of the Nazi regime.
Weblink [click here]
Gallaudet University Archives

Country: United States of America
Description: Archives and Deaf collections of Gallaudet University, Washington, D. C.
Weblink [click here]
Handtheater Archief 1990-2015

Country: Netherlands
Description: Archives of Stichting Handtheater, a Deaf community-based sign theatre organization.
Weblink [click here]
Österreichisches Archiv der Gehörlosen Geschichte
Country: Austria
Description: This website is an on-line archive collection of the heritage of the Austrian Deaf community. Valuable historical photos and information archives are available for you to immerse yourself in, enjoy, and share. Organized by WITAF - Seit 1865 im Dienste der Gehörlosen.
Weblink [click here]
OSD-SJW Archives
Country: Canada
Description: Archives of the Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf (Belleville, Ontario; formerly known as Ontario School for the Deaf).
Archival Project Brochure [click here]           
OSD-SJW Historical Timeline [click here]                                                        
Pio Istituto dei Sordi
Country: Italy
Description: Online photographic archive of the Pio Institute of the Deaf in Milan, Italy.
Weblink [click here]
RIT/NTID Archive
Country: United States of America
Description: This is the website of the Library and Archive of the Rochester Institute of Technology / National Technical Institute for the Deaf (RIT/NTID), United States of America. Information on various Deaf-related collections can be found by navigating this website.
Weblink [click here]
SignDNA - Sign Language Deaf National Archive New Zealand
Country: New Zealand
Description: SignDNA is the home of Aotearoa New Zealand’s visual Deaf history. The online archive collates, digitises and makes accessible material and artefacts of cultural and historical significance to the Deaf community of Aotearoa New Zealand.
Weblink [click here]
Swiss Deaf Archives
Country: Switzerland
Description: The "Swiss Deaf Archive (SAG)" collects written and pictorial documents as well as archival records on the history of deafness in Switzerland from the 19th century to the present. The focus of interest is on bequests and archives of persons and organizations of nationwide importance.
Weblink [click here]
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