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deaf history associations
Association Laurent Clerc
Country: France
Description: Deaf History Association, based in La Balme-les-Grottes, France, preserving the history of Laurent Clerc, Deaf education pioneer.​
Facebook site: Association Laurent Clerc [click here]
Association des Sourds de Lyon-Section Patrimoine
Country: France
Description: Deaf History Association, based in Lyon, France, preserving Deaf cultural heritage and Deaf history.​
British Deaf History Society
Country: United Kingdom
Description: National Society on British Deaf History. ​
Weblink [click here]
Bundesvereinigung für Kultur und Geschichte Gehörloser e.V. (KuGG)
Country: Germany
Description: National Society on German Deaf History.​
Weblink [click here]
Deaf Culture Centre
Country: Canada
Description: The Centre preserves the language and history of the Deaf community and is located in Toronto.​
Weblink [click here]
Deaf History Scotland
Country: Scotland
Description: National Society on Scottish Deaf History.​
Weblink [click here]
Doof Verleden Vlaanderen
Country: Belgium
Description: Central organization for collecting and preserving Flemish Deaf history.​
Weblink [click here] Facebook site: Doof Verleden Vlaanderen [click here]
Døvehistorisk Selskab
Country: Denmark
Description: National Society on Danish Deaf History.​
Weblink [click here]
Finlands dövhistoriska sällskap rf
Country: Finland
Description: Finnish Deaf History Society. Also known as Suomen kuurojen historiaseura ry.
Weblink [click here]
Historie Doven Groningen
Country: Netherlands
Description: Society on Deaf History of the province and city of Groningen.​
History of the Nordic Council of the Deaf
Countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden
Description: This website of the Nordic Council of the Deaf (DNR) celebrates their 110 years' Deaf history of close cooperation, sharing information in Nordic signs with video subtitles in English.​
Weblink [click here]
Musée d'Histoire et de Culture des Sourds
Country: France
Description: This Deaf History Association/museum focuses its work on its French Deaf history museum and is based in Louhans. The museum offers multi-layered coverage of the history of Deaf culture, the Deaf community, and sign language, with a special focus on Ferdinand Berthier, 19th century Deaf rights and Signed Language rights pioneer.​
Weblink [click here]
Norsk Døvehistorisk Selskap
Country: Norway
Description: Norwegian Deaf History Society.​
Weblink [click here]
Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Sourd (Association Etienne de Fay)
Country: France
Description: Deaf History Association, based in Orléans, France, focusing on safeguarding Deaf heritage and preserving the history of Étienne de Fay, the earliest known Deaf teacher of deaf children.​
Facebook site: Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Sourd - Association Etienne de Fay [click here]
Surdus Historicus
Country: Poland
Description: This website contains information and activities regarding Polish Deaf history.​
Weblink [click here]
Sveriges Dövhistoriska Sällskap
Country: Sweden
Description: National Society on Swedish Deaf history.​
Weblink [click here]
Your Deaf History Association not listed? Tell us!
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